Lerry Lambert
Lerry has years of building experience, and really loves the outdoors. He has been learning all about the world around him, and is chompin' at the bit to share what his experience has brought to him. From a Texas ranch to a Missouri small farm, life's journey has brought Lerry a weath of research, inspiration and practical experience. Shoot Lerry a message if you are wondering what it would take to have an indoor garden that would produce food for you and your family all year round. Also contact Lerry if you would like us to bid your home for our EarthCare services.
Lisa Boone
Lisa has been a body somatic therapist for over a decade, and is also a practitioner of other healing modalities that utilize an emphasis on the connectedness between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas of human experience. She has a degree in business, a lifelong fascination with biology & gardening and . With her amazing heart, mind, and her keen sense of enterprise she is able to steer our great ship of community improvement quite well. Contact Lisa with any questions that you may have about the CSA, the kids' projects, or anything really.